IAS Ansar Shaikh, India’s youngest officer cracked UPSC at age of 21

Ansar Shaikh passed the UPSC exam at a very young age of 21, becoming the youngest IAS officer in the country and making headlines.

If a person is determined to do something, then no one can stop them. Today, we will tell you the story of an officer whose father used to drive an auto. But he had big dreams and cracked the UPSC exam at the young age of just 21, marking his success.

We are talking about Ansar Shaikh, who cleared the UPSC exam at the age of 21. He is also known as the candidate who cracked the UPSC exam at the youngest age. Ansar Shaikh belongs to Maharashtra. His father is an auto rickshaw driver. Ansar’s family was not in a very good financial situation. Despite all this, he focused on his studies and cracked the UPSC exam.

Ansar Shaikh has been quite intelligent from the beginning. He scored well in the 10th and 12th grades. In addition, he completed his graduation from Pune. To prepare for the UPSC exam, he worked for nearly 12 hours every day for three years. In addition, he joined coaching for a year, where a part of the fee was waived considering his financial situation.

At the age of 21, Ansar Shaikh, who secured the 361st rank in the UPSC exam, is the youngest IAS officer in the country. He achieved this feat in his very first attempt. He has also authored a book titled ‘UPSC, Me, and You’.

Ansar Sheikh has devised a special strategy to crack the UPSC, setting aside dedicated time to cover all topics for preparation. He studied for a minimum of 12 to 14 hours a day and cracked the exam.

There was no atmosphere of study in Ansar Shaikh’s house. His sisters got married at a young age. After becoming an IAS, he married Vaiza Ansari. Ansar and his wife are quite active on social media.

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