Rohini Sindhuri Dasari: The Tenacious IAS Officer

This female officer was in a private job before becoming an IAS, now men are being accused of private photos…

These days, a female IAS officer Rohini Sindhuri is quite a topic of discussion in the country. The story behind her sudden rise to fame is also quite interesting. In fact, a sensational revelation about Rohini and IPS Rupa Maudgil has brought both of them into the limelight. Rupa has accused Rohini of sharing her private photos with some male IAS officers. Let’s find out the complete story of Rohini Sindhuri…

IAS Rohini Sindhuri Biography: Rohini Sindhuri, who studied in different states of the country, decided to become an IAS after studying engineering. Rohini Sindhuri was born on May 30, 1984 in Andhra Pradesh (IAS Rohini Sindhuri Age). At present, she is 38 years old. Her mother’s name is Lakshmi Reddy. IAS Rohini Sindhuri is currently a topic of discussion.

IAS Rohini Sindhuri Education Qualification: IAS Rohini Sindhuri’s father was in a government job. His postings were in different states of the country. Therefore, Rohini Sindhuri completed her school education from various Central Schools in the country. She has a B.Tech in Chemical Engineering from the National Institute of Technology (NIT).

After completing an engineering degree, IAS Rohini Sindhuri worked for some time at a company named Shell India. After completing IAS training at LBSNAA, she was appointed in the Karnataka cadre (Rohini Sindhuri IAS Rank). IAS Rohini is considered quite honest and sincere towards her duty.

Rohini Sindhuri Husband: IAS Rohini Sindhuri’s husband is Sudhir Reddy, a software engineer. They have 2 children. Rohini Sindhuri herself is not very active on social media. However, there are several fan accounts on Instagram in her name. Rohini Sindhuri is known as the dynamic IAS officer of Karnataka.

IAS Rohini Sindhuri News: IAS Rohini Sindhuri is currently a topic of discussion. A controversy is brewing between her and IPS D Roopa Moudgil, the MD of Karnataka Handicrafts Development Corporation. Former IPS Roopa alleged that IAS Rohini Sindhuri had shared some private photos with certain male IAS officers. Roopa’s allegation is that sharing such photos is a violation of service rules. For your information, Roopa is the first woman in India to become the head of the Cyber Crime Division. Currently, the government has transferred both officers.

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