“IIT Dropout with AIR 38 Resigns from IAS After 12 Years for a New Challenge”

Motivated by a quest for fresh challenges, Gaurav focused his efforts on the UPSC exam. In 2012, he secured a remarkable All India Rank of 38, leading to his appointment in the Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES).

In a realm where success is typically gauged by elite titles and academic triumphs, Gaurav Kaushal’s journey presents a striking contradiction. Having accomplished what many aspire to—a prestigious IIT education, experience at BITS Pilani, and an All India Rank of 38 in the UPSC exam—he nevertheless chose to resign after 12 years as an IDES officer. What compels someone to step away from such notable achievements?

Photo: GAURAV KAUSHAL/Instagram

Gaurav Kaushal’s journey originated in Panchkula, Haryana, where his early academic brilliance propelled him to IIT Delhi after acing the IIT-JEE exam. Despite this significant achievement, the path he had meticulously forged failed to fulfill him. In search of a new direction, he left IIT for BITS Pilani to pursue a BTech in Computer Science. Yet, even at BITS, he sensed an underlying dissatisfaction. Ultimately, Gaurav completed his engineering degree at Punjab Engineering College, but the conventional academic path did not quell his quest for deeper meaning.

Photo: GAURAV KAUSHAL/Instagram

Fueled by a drive to tackle new challenges, Gaurav shifted his focus to the UPSC exam. In 2012, he secured a notable All India Rank of 38 and joined the Indian Defence Estates Service (IDES). For more than ten years, he managed military land across the nation with unwavering dedication. Despite his professional success, however, a lingering sense of incompletion continued to trouble him.

Photo: GAURAV KAUSHAL/Instagram

In a move that took many by surprise, Gaurav Kaushal stepped down from his position to dedicate himself to mentoring aspiring UPSC candidates. Today, he runs a thriving mentorship program, impacting thousands through his YouTube channel and mobile app, where he provides personalized guidance to students.

Photo: GAURAV KAUSHAL/Instagram

Gaurav Kaushal’s journey serves as a compelling reminder that true success transcends societal accolades; it’s about discovering and pursuing personal fulfillment on one’s own terms.

Photo: GAURAV KAUSHAL/Instagram

You can follow on https://www.instagram.com/gaurav.kaushal7/

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