Anu Beniwal Biography: Exploring the Remarkable Journey of an Inspirational Officer!

Effort, dedication, and perseverance are essential for every UPSC candidate striving to achieve high scores in the examination. Widely regarded as one of India’s most challenging exams due to its competitive nature, the UPSC attracts aspirants eager to contribute to the nation through their knowledge, skills, and integrity. While preparing for the UPSC, it’s natural […]

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IAS Brajesh Mehrotra BIhar’s Chief Secretary

Mr.Brajesh Mehrotra has been named the new chief secretary of Bihar, succeeding Amir Subhani. Chaitanya Prasad has been appointed as the new development commissioner. Nitish Kumar has approved Subhani’s request for voluntary retirement., replacing.. PATNA: Brajesh Mehrotra of the 1989 batch has been appointed as the new chief secretary of Bihar, replacing Amir Subhani, who […]

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IAS PK Jena – A Beacon of Leadership in Times of Crisis

In the intricate web of governance, the ability to manage disasters effectively emerges as a defining characteristic of Indian Administrative Service (IAS) officers. Tasked with overseeing critical issues that impact communities on a daily basis, these officers are often called upon to navigate through crises with resilience, compassion, and decisiveness. In the aftermath of the […]

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